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The Future of Floor Tiles

What Will Floor Tiles Be Like In 100 Years?

On seeing to the developments of the world through the last century, one can imagine how awesome the world would be in next 100 years. The floor tile industry would be a world totally different from now. The floor tiles, considered just a floor decorator would be thoroughly integrated with technology. There would be a variety of tiles made from a variety of ceramics, and other substances like metals, wood, etc. Some of the assumptions regarding future developments of floor tiles can be listed as:-

LARGE FORMAT TILES Large format tiles will be increasingly used as compared to the smaller tiles used these days. Though the size of tiles has been increasing over the years, they are still very small as compared to the wall.

3 D Tiles:- After 3D printing, it will be the generation of 3D tiles. Though you have designs that can create a 3D effect, but very rarely used today, improvisation in this area will be done and 100 years from now this will be a common phenomenon.

SLIMMER TILES:- Everything today seems to be shrinking. In the future, slimmer tiles will be the order of the day. These slim tiles will be highly cost effective along with being easier to cut and install.

TECHNIQUES OF TILING:- Techniques of tiling will take a major leap in the coming years. One such example is tiling over tiling. This will make life so much easier as you can install tiles over existing tiles.

SHAPES OF TILES IN FUTURE:- In the near future, tiles will be available in every other shape a person can think of. The now a days trending square and rectangle shaped tiles would be old fashioned then. The customer then would be able to install his own customized tiles in his home and office area.

TILES, TILES, EVERYWHERE:- The floor tiles would not be remembered as just ‘floor tiles’. There would be tiles everywhere: on the ceilings, walls…everywhere. The thought of those painted walls would seem awkward to people then.

DIGITALLY MODIFIED TILES:- There is no aspect of life untouched by technology. The tiles in near future would be technologically modified ones. Those technologically modified tiles would be able act as our every other gadget: the tiles with integrated screens showing holographic visuals would act as your mobile phones, laptops and televisions too. Also, there would be real concept homes with user control interface which would work through the tiles.

So, the thoughts about future takes one on the journey of future exploration. No matter what would the situations be in the coming times, tiles would obey to their role of protecting walls, providing an edge to the beauty of the floor and maintain the essence of well being of everyone.

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